Sunday, December 2, 2007

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Samisum, Session 1

Ray Charles

Ray Charles is a recording artest that had many milestones. He went up in history as one of the greatest songwriters/piano players/singers of all time. But, this session is about when he was a kid.

Father Ray was created on the 9th of Rayon. He was created in Southern location of Albany. He was born to mortals Aretha and Bailey. His father (Another mortal) worked on the tracks road on by a steam powered automobile. His Mother (also another mortal) took in and washed the clothes warn by the mortals and Father Ray. But what they didn't know is that Father Ray was one of the 14 gifted. These 14 people were diffrent than evreyone else because they were the greatest musicians of all time. The Robinson Family and Father Ray started out with no money even with one of the chosen ones. This family stayed poor through out the demon the deppretion. The Robinson family took the chosen one and evreyone else to a new location, Greenville of the South, Father Ray was only a few months old. Soon after, another mortal is born, George. Although the Robinson family and Father Ray were struck by a demon, (The Deppretion) Father Ray claims his childhood was a jolly time

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